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Settling In

We work hard to ensure that your daughter settles quickly and happily into the Old Vicarage School.

At Little Vic and in Reception, the girls have a clear and secure routine that helps them feel at home and the first two weeks are made up of progressively longer days to enable the girls to get used to their time at school.  Very quickly, any early morning tears are replaced with confident waves as they come in eager to tackle all the challenges of the day ahead.

Older girls will be assigned a settling in friend who will look after them in the early weeks, chat about the school, show them where everything is and introduce the routines of the day.  New girls will also fit into our house system and quickly get to know others in her house from all year groups of the school.  Depending on her age, she will also be part of our buddy system in which girls are paired with one three years older or younger, in a relationship that becomes very much like that of a sister and requires each girl to think of the needs of others.