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Pastoral Care

We take the wellbeing of our girls seriously. From the moment a girl arrives at Little Vic, she will be embraced by the close and caring community that summarises the Old Vicarage School. Her class teacher and teaching assistant will ensure she feels at home and the high teacher-to-pupil ratio means that no one is overlooked.

Our small class sizes ensure that, as she progresses through the school, there is a focus on each girl. Her teachers will pick up quickly the need to provide extension tasks and support any difficulties. We also ensure that her concerns are addressed quickly, perhaps in Circle Time, in a Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) lesson or individually.

The school acknowledges that, from time to time, girls may fall out with each other and when they do it can be disturbing and painful for those girls. Teachers are trained in the Girls on Board approach to supporting girls in resolving their disputes.

The younger girls are assigned buddies – girls who are three years older – who will befriend them in the playground, much as an older sister would, as well as join them at key moments of the year for events and outings. This establishes security and leads to some long lasting and very loyal friendships.

Our School Council, run by the Head Girl, Deputy Head Girl and prefects, collects suggestions from all the girls in the school, via the student class reps, and gives a voice and responsibility to them all. Recent suggestions have led to new playground equipment and ideas to include on the lunch menu.

All Year 6 girls are prefects and will help to run the school; from supervising movement around the school, leading playground activities, to assisting at sports events and helping in the library. Some prefects are attached to our younger classes and provide valuable help in the mornings. The girls relish the responsibility and rise to the challenge.


Our houses, Burney, Elizabeth, Houblon and Sheridan; named after notable figures in the history of the building or Richmond, bind the girls together. Numerous competitive events on a house basis are organised each year. These include the House Music Competition, a termly quiz as well as various sporting contests such as House Cross Country and Swimming Gala. Results from these competitions along with rewards for good work, behaviour, kindness and courtesy are counted towards the prestigious house cup presented at the end of each term.