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Curriculum Overview

The girls benefit from learning a carefully designed, broad and balanced spectrum of topics and skills throughout their time at the Old Vicarage School to prepare them for life beyond.

Utilising the spiral curriculum, topics are repeated with progressively more challenging and in-depth concepts being taught in all subjects, through a range of fun and inspiring lessons, workshops and trips. Cross-curricular activities enable the girls to apply learning in differing contexts and make links to real-life situations. 


Promoting a growth mindset is at the forefront of all teaching and learning; the girls come to understand that ‘struggle’ is what makes their brains stronger and are encouraged to use metacognition, thereby cultivating a healthy mental attitude towards stress and failure.  

Latest research helps inform best pedagogical practices, creating a safe and exciting learning environment where the girls learn through collaboration and problem solving; promoting skills of critical thinking, risk-taking, communication and teamwork – those soft skills that are essential for working in the 21st century. 


In addition, the School is keen to embrace new technologies that enhance pupil learning, these are incorporated seamlessly during lessons, further preparing our girls for this technological age.