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Fees at the Old Vicarage School include a morning snack, lunch, all books, most equipment and all educational visits which take place during the school day.

Optional school activities, music lessons, residential trips and external examinations fees are considered extras.

School Fees 2024/2025

Little Vic Nursery

5 Full Days £5,220 per term

5 Mornings plus 3 afternoons £4,540 per term

5 Mornings £3,110 per term

Reception to Year 6

£6,250 per term

Old Vicarage School participates in the Universal 15-hours Early Education Funding for 3 and 4 year olds. The School is also participating in the Extended 15-hours Funding Scheme subject to eligibility.

The School operates a Fees in Advance Scheme. Further information can be found by emailing our bursar, Mrs Wendy Draper.

Bursary & Hardship Fund

The School offers a means-test bursary scheme to provide financial support to girls who would otherwise not be able to afford an Old Vicarage School education. Each case is assessed on its own merit and awards are made accordingly, subject to the School’s ability to fund this within the context of the overall budget. Further information can be found by emailing our bursar, Mrs Wendy Draper.

The School also operates a hardships fund to support current parents who have run into temporary difficulties paying the fees. Further information can be found by emailing our bursar, Mrs Wendy Draper.