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What Makes Us Unique

Education at the Old Vicarage is tailored to the individual needs of the girls. They are challenged, supported and provided with a breadth of opportunities academically and within the extra-curricular programme.

With small class sizes, a house system and buddies, we create an environment in which friendships are formed and confidence and talents are developed.


Our Head of Teaching and Learning takes a holistic overview of the curriculum. A culture of learning is embedded in the school to enhance the educational experience of the girls and to ensure that the curriculum continues to be progressive.



It is rare to have class sizes of 16 in a London school. This personal approach ensures that the individual skills of every girl are recognised and nurtured. The environment is stimulating and we place an emphasis on creativity and positivity. The class size gives every girl the confidence and opportunity to try new challenges from playing a leading role in a production, to representing the school at sport, to being part of the debating team.



We introduce specialist teachers with an expertise in and a real love for their subject: from Reception for Music, Drama, Sport, Art, and French; and from Year Three for all subjects. In this way, the girls are extended, inspired and challenged by staff who are experts in their fields.



Little Vic and Reception girls attend Forest School for a term. This offers a unique educational experience of using the outdoor environment as a classroom, stimulating the girls interest in the natural surroundings. It builds their confidence by developing social skills through teamwork activities, collaboration and independence as they tackle tasks on their own.



We offer extensive 11+ preparation. Reasoning lessons start in Year 3 and continue until Year 6. Interview and practice papers are introduced in Year 5 so that the girls feel confident when they sit their exams. There is a team of specialist teachers for the 11+ and they provide guidance and support for both the girls and parents.



Having close relationships at school is a big part of the Old Vicarage community and pupil culture. Each of our younger girls is assigned a buddy, from a class three years ahead, who will befriend them in the playground, much as an older sister would, as well as join them at key moments of the year for events and outings.  This establishes security and leads to some long lasting and very loyal friendships. For the older girl, being a buddy is a mark of maturity and inspires a growing sense of responsibility.



We are very lucky to be located in an architecturally beautiful Grade 2* listed building. 48 Richmond Hill was built as the family home of Sir John Houblon, the first Governor of the Bank of England.  The grounds originally extended along what is now Ellerker Gardens as far as Onslow Road and down the hill to the Vineyard.  Much of this land now contains houses in which many of our parents live. Our girls have the great privilege of being educated in these wonderful surroundings.  
