Little Vic Explorers Group

Little Vic Explorers Group

We are delighted to announce the launch of Little Vic Explorers Group, a fantastic opportunity to experience life at our nursery, Little Vic.

A free weekly session held on Friday mornings from 10-10.45am starting on 22nd September, taking place at our Little Vic Nursery in Richmond.

The parent and toddler group is aimed at children from 2 to 4 years old and their parents or carers. Baby siblings are more than welcome.

Come and join the Little Vic Nursery for a morning of exploring, playing and fun.

Your daughter will get a free taster play session with current pre-school girls and then join in with some songs and stories at the end.

With our team of highly experienced and nurturing teachers we introduce children to a broad curriculum, through a mix of exploration, games and learning.

It’s where a curiosity for learning begins!

With small class sizes booking is essential, please email to secure your place.

We look forward to welcoming you.